light play

Because I enjoy playing with light…

My Portfolio

My work can roughly be divided into three categories: landscape, street and portrait. I love shooting landscape. Actually, I've been doing this for ages. It wasn't until 2016 that I started with street and portait photography. And sometimes I take pictures of things that won't match into these categories. Then, you'll find those pictures in the blog.

Landscape Photography

wonderful & magical


Dec 23rd, 2018

Iceland's glaciers, Scotland's forests and Italy's gently hills have already made it into my landscape photography collection. By now, I even get up quite early, yep also on vacation, just to observe the sunrise. Call me crazy, but I love it! In June it's pretty difficult but of course, the reward is amazing. And apart from taking pictures I really enjoy what nature's got to offer.

Street Photography

candid & situative


Dec 23rd, 2018

My favourite subjects in street photography are situations and geometry within an urban context. The biggest challenge for me is to anticipate a certain situation or to get a clear picture of what I want to shoot in my head. Sometimes I wait for what feels like ages just to get the shot I want. Sometimes, I miss my chance which is quite irritating. All the pictures are candid, I'm simply patient or in the right place at the right time. Street photography is definitely the part with the highest adrenalin level.

Portrait Photography Image

Portrait Photography

unique & natural

I started with portraiture in spring 2016. So far, I've been standing in my own way when it comes to expanding my skills. However, that's definitily my objective for the near future. I really enjoy getting to know new People and I want to manage capturing their characters into their pictures. To be honest, I don't really like unnatural poses nor forcing someone into one. So I try to keep it as natural as possible.

My Projects

Sometimes I combine certain pictures to build small projects. That process can either be intentionally or not. And just sometimes I fall in love with a small series of pictures and decide to continue it as project.

5min Alley Project Image

5min Alley Project

short & fascinating


Dec 23rd, 2018

Venetian Waters

smooth & serene


Dec 23rd, 2018

New Bits On The Blog

I'm not a blogger nor will I ever be one. Within the blog I collect the everything that doesn't fit into my portfolio. Here you may also find information or recommendations of things I find interesting or even really cool and pretty awesome stuff or not so awesome stuff happening to me along my way as photographer. So basically just random stuff.

That's me Laura

Engineer, light player and super hero fan

My name is Laura and I have the fastest trigger alive. When I was a child my mum gave me an impossibly small camera. My father went to the shop to get all those films developed. Then, by accident, I became impossibly interested in photography. To the outside world I'm an ordinary engineer but secretly, I use my free time to play with light and find others like me. And one day, I find the decisive moment and can use light at will... and someone will get justice, I'm pretty sure. I have... a Flash! (based loosely on DC's The Flash)

My parents taught me quite early how to compose a picture before taking it. I mean, the basics of course, just to keep a 5-year-old from consuming or rather inhaling one film after another with random shots of... some... things. After a creative break during puberty and university just one picture in Venice changed it all. A tiny thought planted in my brain, becoming stronger by the day. Like in Inception, just in real life. Since 2015, I've been using my Canon EOS 750D and 2017, I treated myself with the Olympus OM-D EM 5 Mark II. So there is still enough room for improvement. Anyone care to support me... like financially?

Photography has taught me and still teaches me to see the world differently and to perceive things and moods others maybe don't see. And I really want to share my perspective with others and not only with my hard drive. Because I really like what I do and maybe you do too.


Contact forms once were très en vogue. Now, you have to obey regulations in order to use them properly. And in the end, no-one ever submits the form because the captcha is annoyingly unreadable. So, in case you want to tell me that my pictures are awesome or that you want to put them on display or that I mispelled something on the website or in case you want to share any other kind of feedback or stuff (except spam - please no spam!), then please do so via the old-fashioned way of e-mail by clicking on the envelope. Yeay. Awesome.

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